Do. Something. Grand.
WesGrand Society is a cohort of community leaders and concerned citizens that understand civic responsibility. This distinguished society has taken a vow of philanthropy and advocacy investment that creates impact for hundreds of families annually through Wesley House Community Services.


WesGrand Society benefits include exclusive VIP passes to all community and programmatic events hosted by Wesley House. WesGrand Society members receive honorable mention in the agency's annual report. WesGrand Society serves as ambassadors; hosting quarterly, invitation only, social gatherings to bring brand awareness and to strategically expand their society.

Your commitment to give allows Wesley House Community Services to connect people and create partnerships that serve the most pressing needs of families. The commitment of advocacy and financial support from concerned citizens allows Wesley House Community Services to expand the work and to project our reach more accurately.

For more information, please or select the link below to get started.


WesGrand Society

WesGrand Society benefits include exclusive VIP passes to all community and programmatic events hosted by Wesley House. WesGrand Society members receive honorable mention in the agency's annual report. WesGrand Society serves as ambassadors; hosting quarterly, invitation only, social gatherings to bring brand awareness and to strategically expand their society.

Make a One Time Gift

When you choose to give, you may not realize that your monetary gift not only supports our family services programs, giving can also provide you with many personal benefits. Your donation helps Wesley House continue the fight against poverty by addressing systemic barriers. but giving can feel just as good as receiving! Please consider a recurring monthly donation.

other ways to give

There are a number of ways to support Wesley House. We are always open to partnerships that align with our mission and strategic agenda. Additionally, we seek community members to serve on committees and our board of directors. Lastly, there are many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Volunteers serve in a number of ways; including, program support and facilities projects. For more information, email info@wesleyhouseky.com